Monday, July 03, 2006

The Tower of Babel is to be resurrected. Time for work.

Finally. I finally got back to blogging after a seemingly long barren stretch. Drastic changes in life happens only for one reason, that being an obscure one.
The Tower of Babel has finally gotten what it deserved. A community on Orkut. You might want to reconsider the importance of the monument. It was a symbol that was subtle in its methods to bring forth the truth of God's fear of man. Is that what I truly believe in, you ask. Well, I do. See, this is a complicated 'religion' to explain. I may sound hypocratic when I confess my dislike for religions and the dichotomy they spread in the society. But I am not.
Justifications follow.
Its a religion for it derives all the conclusions from Bible [ various ones ]. Bible being a religious book cannot be a basis for a scientific theory. Well, so I called what I fetch from the Bible as a religion.
This is more to do with the man's self realization about his capacities than embracing the existance of God or his fears. The existance of God. Deny it or accept it.
All I would want to convey is that man is all powerful. There is god within him.

For the latter half of this post, let me rant about how there is no coffee vending machine in my new work place. Or rather not.
I just can't forget how amazing my first day of work was. I do not mean it in terms of the work I was given. It was more on the lines of the working of the company. While most [ actually all ] other companies indulge in a few days of slack before they provide their new employees facilities, mine was just too punctual. Dumbfounded was I when I saw my new cubicle neatly arranged, with my visiting cards in a box, my books placed neatly, my computer flushed off its dilapidated data & with the hdd new and sparkling, and last but not the least, whiteboard cleaned up to the last corner. All this was on the very first day.
And not to mention the team I am in. The best team possible hardly does justice. Enough blabber I suppose.
Final words : Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave...

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