Turtleneck does all the heroic deeds, all day long. As she silently sneaks back home in the dead of the night, snaps the cape from the neck, she is reminded of the tight grip it had on her. She hangs her costume in the wardrobe and drops into a chair right besides the fireplace, that rocks back slowly. It's still noisy outside, but she seeps deeper and deeper into her thoughts. She glances across a bruise on her hand. Occupational hazard, she chuckles. This is what happens when she goes around saving everyone. The fire crackles, as if acknowledging her thoughts. Slowly, she drifts into sleep, dreaming of all nice things.
It's been 5 years and Turtleneck's been through quite a roller coaster ride. While she had to save people just as before, she has been tested over and over again. But which superhero hasn't been, right? I think it's an accepted and an unwritten rule that superheroes will have to face difficult choices. A fine print in the job description - Save others. Occasionally, save yourself.
But this one superhero, she's not alone. She's got her olde and faithful friends who are always with her, if not in person, definitely in thought. They pray for her, share her happiness and sorrows. They love seeing her happy and don't care what others think about her. Sometimes, they protect her too. Like right now.
Superheroes maybe dime a dozen. But I still prefer my Turtleneck to anyone else.