Monday, May 21, 2007

ThoughtWorks Master Class Series '07

Attention spans are short. I'm no exception to this universal rule. My visit to ThoughtWorks Master Class Series '07, held in the largely unnoticed hotel - Royal Orchid, was not preconceived. At least, it wasn't until late Thursday that the plan was made. TGIF was the day I received the confirmation of my registration.
Three seminars.
  • Refactoring Databases
  • Evolutionary Testing
  • Domain Specific Knowledges
What was the outcome? Why don't you see it for yourself!

Page 1. Broadly representing the knowledge gain during the Refactoring Databases session and a few chosen words of choice by the presenter.

Page 2. Weakly representing what I perceive to be knowledge gain of the Baroque Art in the inner right chamber of Royal Orchid and yet again the pet words of the presenter.

Page 3. The grand finale with nascent thoughts of McVeggie, my fame and fortune, and a few strands of DSP.

Do not get me wrong here. It wasn't that the sessions were boring. They were really interesting and I was glad I went for it.
The pages are just - me.

-- FIN --